Friday, June 20, 2008

O Mother !

O Mother !
How can I thank you !!

The relationship you burgeon
with the cherubic smile evergreen.
When we face any difficulty
you assuage with hands anodyne.

When there is silence,
you broach blithe topics.
For the assiduous work of yours
I will always do apotheosis.

The situations painstaking
Couldn't demolish your confidence.
Your Generosity is known with your fervor.
Howmuch tear-pearls you have lost !
In praying God when someone near is in danger.
The prepared tasty food entices us to be edacious.
The selfless love of yours will never be lost.

While keeping the family respect
you kick the chagrin and do cogent arguments.
You have made this cowering boy bold and deft
To face the challenges of world
By showing your unfathomable credence.

You are my God.
Let me be blessed with your angelic benison.
Thank you for being so kind.
I love you mom.

1 comment:

KhushiG said...

Very nice presentation of the thoughts.. Another beautiful poetry about the Great Mothers.